Remote Sensing Building Dataset Description
This dataset consists of an aerial dataset and a satellite dataset.
1. Aerial imagery dataset
The original aerial data comes from the New Zealand Land Information Services website. We manually edited Christchurch's building vector data, with about 22,000 independent buildings. The original ground resolution of the images is 0.075m. Due to the size of the aerial imagery (about 23G), we provide manually edited shapefile. The aerial image can be downloaded from the official website:
For those who are not familiar with GIS and shapefile, we down-sampled the most parts of aerial images (including 18,7000 buildings) to 0.3m ground resolution, and cropped them into more than 8,188 tiles with 512×512 pixels. The shapefile is additionally rasterized. The ready-to-use samples are divided into two parts: a training set (14,5000 buildings) and a test set (42,000 buildings).
2. Satellite imagery dataset
The satellite imagery dataset is collected globally from various remote sensing resources including Quickbird, Worldview series, IKONOS, ZY-3, etc. We manually delineated all the buildings. The satellite imagery dataset contains 204 satellite images and the corresponding ground truth images (512 × 512 tiles with resolutions varying from 0.3 m to 2.5 m). it is ready-to-use as blocked aerial dataset.