论 文
Shunping Ji, Zijie Qin, Jie Shan, Meng Lu. Panoramic SLAM from a Multiple Fisheye Camera Rig, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2019.
Ruojin Zhu, Dawen Yu, Shunping Ji, Meng Lu. Densely-Connected Convolutional Neural Network for RGB-NIR image matching, Remote Sensing, 2019.
Shunping Ji, Zhili Zhang, Chi Zhang, Shiqing Wei, Meng Lu, Yulin Duan, Learning discriminative spatiotemporal features for precise crop classification from multi-temporal satellite images, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2019 (In press)
Yameng Wang, Shunping Ji, Meng Lu, Yongjun Zhang, Attention boosted bilinear pooling for remote sensing image retrieval, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2019 (In press)
Shiqing Wei, Shunping Ji, Meng Lu, Towards automatic building polygon delineation from aerial images using CNN and regularization. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2019.2954461.
Shunping ji, Yanyun Shen, Meng Lu, Yongjun Zhang, Building Instance Change Detection from Large-Scale Aerial Images using Convolutional Neural Networks and Simulated Samples, Remote Sensing, 2019, 11, 1343; doi:10.3390/rs11111343
Dawen Yu, Shunping Ji, Grid based Spherical CNN for Object Detection from Panoramic Images, Sensors, 2019.
季顺平,秦梓杰,多镜头组合式相机的全景SLAM,测绘学报,2019.(In press)
季顺平,田思琦,张驰等,基于全卷积神经元网络的城市土地覆盖分类与变化检测,武汉大学学报-信息科学版,2019 (In Press)
季顺平,魏世清. 遥感影像建筑物提取的卷积神经元网络与开源数据集方法, 测绘学报, 48(4), 2019
刘瑾, 季顺平. 基于深度学习的航空遥感影像密集匹配, 测绘学报, 2019 (In Press)
Shunping Ji, Jin Liu, Meng Lu. CNN based dense matching for aerial remote sensing images, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 85(6): 415-424
Chi Zhang, Shiqing Wei, Shunping Ji, Meng Lu. Detecting large-scale urban land cover changes from very high resolution remote sensing images using CNN based classification, ISRPS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2019.
Peiyu Dai, Shiqing Wei, shunping Ji. A CNN based cloud removal model using multi-temporal remote sensing images, IGARSS, 2019.
Yao Wei, Kai Zhang, Shunping Ji. Road network extraction from satellite images using CNN based segmentation and tracing, IGARSS, 2019.
Shunping Ji, Shiqing Wei, Meng Lu. A scale robust convolutional neural network for automatic building extraction from aerial and satellite imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2018 (In Press)
Shunping Ji, Shiqing Wei, Meng Lu, Fully Convolutional Networks for Multi-Source Building Extraction from An Open Aerial and Satellite Imagery Dataset, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2018. DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2018.2858817
Shunping Ji, Dawen Yu, Yong Hong, Mu Lu, Template Matching for Wide-Baseline Panoramic Images from a Vehicle-Borne Multi-Camera Rig, ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2018, 7, 236; doi:10.3390/ijgi7070236
Zhu Ninging, Jia Yonghong, Ji Shunping. Registration of Panoramic/Fish-Eye Image Sequence and LiDAR Points Using Skyline Features. Sensors 2018, 18, 1651.
季顺平. 测量角度下的平行宇宙,自然杂志,40(3),2018.
龚健雅,季顺平*. 摄影测量与深度学习. 测绘学报(数字摄影测量与机器学习专刊),2018.
Shunping Ji*, Chi Zhang, Anjian Xu, Yun Shi and Yulin Duan, 2018. 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Crop Classification with Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images, Remote Sensing 2018, 10, 75.
J. Liu , S. Ji*, C. Zhang , Z. Qin. Evaluation of Deep Learning Based Stereo Matching methods:From Ground To Aerial Images.Conference of ISPRS TCII, Italy, 2018 (Oral).
季顺平. 《智能摄影测量学导论》, 科学出版社, 2018.
Tingting Cui, Shunping Ji*, Jie Shan*, Jianya Gong and Kejian Liu,2017. Line-Based Registration of Panoramic Images and LiDAR Point Clouds for Mobile Mapping,Sensors 2017, 17, 70.
Shunping Ji, Xiuxiao Yuan, 2016. A generic probabilistic model and a hierarchical solution for sensor localization in noisy and restricted conditions, ISPRS 2016, Prague, July.
Yun Shi, Shunping Ji*, Xiaowei Shao, Peng Yang, Wenbin Wu, Zhongchao Shi and Ryosuke Shibasaki, 2015. Fusion of a panoramic camera and 2D laser scanner data for constrained bundle adjustment in GPS-denied environments, Image and Vision Computing, 40(2015):28-37.
Ji Shunping, Shi Yun, et.al, 2015. Particle filtering methods for georeferencing panoramic image sequence in complex urban scenes. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 105(2015): 1–12.
Yongjun Zhang, Bo Wang, Jin Yu, Qi Chen, Yansong Duan, Yong Zhang, Mingwei Sun, Shunping Ji, 2014. Technologies and system for automatic generation of advanced geo-spatial products with Chinese satellite imagery, 18th National Symposium on Remote Sensing of China,91580D-91580D-10.
Ji Shunping, Shi Yun, et.al, 2014. Comparison of two panoramic sensor models for precise 3D measurements. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, (3): 229-238.
Shi Yun, Ji Shunping*, et.al, 2014. Framework of SAGI Agriculture Remote Sensing and Its Perspectives in Supporting National Food Security. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 13(7): 60345-7.
Ji Shunping, Zhang tong, et.al, 2013. Nonlinear intensity difference correlation for multi-temporal remote sensing images,International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 21:436-443.
Shi Yun, Ji Shunping*, et.al, 2013. GPS-Supported Visual SLAM with a Rigorous Sensor Model for a Panoramic Camera in Outdoor Environments, Sensors, 13(1):119-136.
Yongjun Zhang, Bo Wang, Zuxun Zhang, Yansong Duan, Yong Zhang, Mingwei Sun, Ji Shunping, 2014. Fully automatic generation of geoinformation products with chinese zy‐3 satellite imagery, The Photogrammetric Record, 29(148): 383-401.
Tong Zhang, Wenjie Yan, Chunmei Su, Ji Shunping, 2015. Accurate object retrieval for high-resolution remote-sensing imagery using high-order topic consistency potentials. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 36(16): 4250-4273.
Ji Shunping, Shi Yun, et.al, 2012. Manhole cover detection using vehicle-based multi-sensor data, ISPRS2012, Melbene, Australia, September.
Ji Shunping, Shi Yun, et.al, 2012. Bundle adjustment with vehicle-based panoramic Imagery. EORSA2012, Shanghai, China, June, 2012.
Ji Shunping, Ma Dan, 2011. GPS/IMU Based SIFT-Matching for Aerial Remote Sensing Images, RSETE2011, 1257-1260.
Ji Shunping, 2010. Accurate Positioning of SPOT Image Using Aerial Sequence Imagery. Wicom2010, Chengdu, unpaged CDRom.
Ji Shunping, Yuan Xiuxiao, 2008. Detecting Building Changes from Aerial Images Using Height Information, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 37(B7): 887-892.
龚健雅, 季顺平, 2017. 从摄影测量到计算机视觉. 武汉大学学报· 信息科学版, 42(11):1518-1522
季顺平, 秦昆, 单杰, 2016. 遥感: 从图像获取到智能服务. 科学世界, (12):88-91.
李均力, 陈曦, 包安明, 沈占锋, 季顺平, 2016. 公格尔九别峰冰川跃动无人机灾害监测与评估. 干旱区地理, (2):378-386
龚健雅, 崔婷婷, 单杰, 季顺平, 黄玉春,2015. 利用车载移动测量数据的建筑物立面建模方法,武汉大学学报•信息科学版, 40(9): 1137-1143.
季顺平,史云,2014. 多镜头组合型全景相机两种成像模型的定位精度比较. 测绘学报, 43(12).
季顺平,史云,2014. 高噪声环境下参考影像辅助车载序列影像Monte-Carlo匹配与定位方法. 测绘学报, 43(11).
季顺平,史云,2013. 车载全景相机的影像匹配和光束法平差. 测绘学报, 41(1):96-100.
季顺平,袁修孝,2010. 基于RFM的高分辨率卫星遥感影像自动匹配研究. 测绘学报, 39(6).
季顺平,吴珍丽, 2010. 单位四元数在航空摄影测量解算中的应用与实践,测绘科学, 35(1):44-46.
季顺平,袁修孝,2007. 一种基于建筑物检测的航空影像变化检测方法. 遥感学报,11(3):323-329.
袁修孝,季顺平,谢酬,2007. POS数据辅助的航空影像变化检测方法初探,武汉大学学报•信息科学版, 32(4):283-286.
著 作
季顺平. 《智能摄影测量学导论》, 科学出版社, 2018.
袁修孝, 曹金山, 汪韬阳, 王密, 余俊鹏, 季顺平, 吴颖丹, 余翔, 高分辨率卫星遥感精确对地目标定位理论与方法 (第四章:卫星遥感影像的自动匹配), 科学出版社. 32.3万字, 2012.
专 利
袁修孝, 季顺平, 吴珍丽. POS辅助航空影像匹配方法, 2011.8, 中国, 专利批准号:200810246336.0
季顺平, 张彤, 李均力. 多源多时相高分辨率卫星遥感影像自动匹配方法. 2015.01, 中国, 专利批准号:201210296081.5